We are pleased to inform that K-Coal operates English version of China-CoalTimes that provide daily news and professional information on Coal, Energy and Minerals in China through website. ( http://www.coaltimes.com)
Currently Japan Energy Infolink(JEI) provides this China-Coal Times to Japanese clients.
K-Coal operates this for Korean clients, and also carries out Indonesian version of China-CoalTimes(CCT) cooperated with Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology(BPPT) in Indonesia ( http://www.bppt.go.id/en/) and with Saskatchewan government for Northern America.
Coal information is generated on the data base of China Coal Transport and Distribution Association (www.cctd.com.cn ) so the information is very reliable and useful.
We will provide you a free trial ID and Password for your business. So please contact K-Coal for your trial ID and Password today.
Generally annual charge of China-CoalTimes for one ID&PW is USD1,200.
More importantly, with this great service of coal business information in China, we also would like to conduct a customized research regarding to Coal, Energy and Minerals in China and Indonesia.
If you are interested in continuing to access China-CoalTimes and also interested in ordering customized research in China and Indonesia, please contact us.